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Marketing in brow business in 2024

Dec 15, 2023, author: Hairstrokes.com / Holistic PMU
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"Exploring the world of sales and marketing in the Powder Brows and Hairstrokes business in 2023-2024 is challenging. The consensus among artists is clear: the era of quick fixes and simple solutions has passed. The path to success in this dynamic field is paved with dedication and hard work. This article delves into the realities of marketing in today’s PMU industry, offering insights and strategies for artists who are ready to embrace the diligent effort required to excel."

1. Background

This article is informed by insights gathered from 32 artists who rapidly ascended to become top earners in their regions within two years post-training in Powder Brows or Hairstrokes. A pivotal aspect of their success was their adeptness in marketing, self-promotion, and branding. We aim to debunk common misconceptions held by many new artists, including those our interviewed artists initially believed. The suggestions compiled here are based on the consensus among these successful artists.

Our research includes participants predominantly from EU countries and the UK, alongside five artists from the US. Interestingly, the marketing advice shared by these artists was strikingly consistent across geographical locations, down to specific details.

Additionally, this article integrates findings from another research project involving 331 clients, more than 200 of whom had previously declined procedures with other artists before selecting their final choice. We sought to understand the factors influencing their decisions through an online survey. Similar to the artists, these clients' motivations showed minimal variation based on their geographic location.

In essence, artists and clients from various regions display remarkably aligned perspectives on what contributes to an artist's success in the Permanent Makeup (PMU) industry. This article is designed to provide guidance rooted in these collective insights, offering practical marketing strategies for new artists in the PMU field.

2. Scarcity vs. Adaptivity and Speed

The Pitfalls of Fake Scarcity in Marketing

Many new artists attempt to use the principle of scarcity in their marketing strategies, implying their services are in high demand to encourage swift bookings. Common tactics include mentioning a "fully booked calendar" for procedures or the "last available seat" at events. However, this approach often has unintended consequences.

The Inconsistency Problem

First, if an artist claims to be fully booked to project high demand, this claim should align with tangible outcomes, like an expanding portfolio or increased financial turnover. If an artist's portfolio or financial statements don't reflect their supposed busyness, it undermines the credibility of their marketing strategy.

Self-Limiting Growth

A more significant concern arises when this strategy constrains the artist's business growth. Artists employing scarcity tactics may face a dilemma with actual demand increases. They either have to reveal their availability or reduce client opportunities by scheduling appointments far in the future.

For example, if a potential client requests an appointment, an artist who has claimed a full calendar may only offer limited options, deferring the session by weeks or months.

Lack of Evidence for Effectiveness with New Artists

Our research shows no substantial proof that scarcity tactics are effective for newcomers in the field. Among the surveyed clients, most found such claims implausible, with over 86% labeling these strategies "highly doubtful." The consensus was that while such tactics might work for internationally renowned artists, they lack credibility when employed by locally emerging artists.

3. The Power of Moving Fast

Quick and Concrete Responses are Essential

Feedback from both artists and clients underscores that strategies emphasizing "moving fast" are highly effective. This starts with prompt and straightforward responses to client inquiries. Clients reaching out are typically ready to decide – they are at the bottom of the sales funnel and do not need extensive persuasion. What they seek are clear, concise details about pricing and availability. Lengthy explanations should be reserved for when the client explicitly requests more information.

Speed Matters: Timely Responses and Utilizing Assistants

The necessity of swift replies to inquiries cannot be overstated. Attempting to avoid seeming "too eager" or "idle" by delaying responses is counterproductive. Such tactics are often justifications used by artists who struggle with efficiently managing inquiries. A practical first step for busy artists inundated with daily inquiries is hiring an assistant to handle these immediate communications.

From a client's perspective, receiving a reply from an artist's assistant is perfectly acceptable, particularly when they are prepared to make a choice and wish to conclude their search swiftly. For artists, the decision boils down to two options: either capitalize on the opportunity to secure a client through quick and direct responses or create unnecessarily complex justifications for slower communication.

Thus, the ability to respond promptly to client inquiries – either personally or through an assistant – is a crucial component of successful marketing for new artists. It demonstrates professionalism and respect for the client’s time, significantly enhancing the chances of securing their business.

4. Spying That Leads to Differentiation

The Pitfalls of Mimicking International Artists

Emerging artists often believe that replicating internationally acclaimed artists' branding and marketing strategies will lead to their success. While observing these artists can provide valuable insights into effective marketing and photographic techniques, this approach has its limitations. International artists typically operate under different conditions and possess a wealth of experience that cannot be easily replicated. Simply emulating their online presence offers only a partial solution.

Unlocking Real Competitive Advantage

The key to truly benefiting from observing renowned artists lies in using that inspiration to create meaningful differentiation in your services. Artists across the globe often look up to these industry leaders, attempting to emulate their success. However, the challenge is to transform this inspiration into a unique selling proposition for your business.

For example, copying how an international artist showcases their work might seem appealing, but it rarely differentiates you in the eyes of potential clients. On the other hand, understanding what sets these successful artists apart often involves innovating existing techniques, such as Powder Brows and Hairstrokes, and introducing them under a new brand name. The goal is not to mimic their work and branding verbatim but to grasp and locally apply the principles that have helped them stand out. If they have refined a style and created a new term for it, consider how you can similarly innovate and rebrand within your practice.

The path to differentiating your services as a novice artist doesn't lie in mere imitation. It requires understanding the essence of what makes top artists successful and creatively applying those principles to develop your unique brand and style.

5. Overcoming Mental Barriers

Self-Imposed Limitations

One of the most significant obstacles an aspiring artist often faces is not external but internal: mental barriers. These barriers usually arise from a lack of confidence, whether it’s in developing a unique "signature style" or presenting oneself as a leading expert in specific services. These self-imposed limitations are detrimental to an artist's growth. Making bold, distinctive moves is often the most effective strategy for standing out. If you observe that most competitors emulate international artists without establishing their unique styles, carving out your signature approach becomes even more imperative.

Breaking the Cycle of Mediocrity

Following the path of peers who only achieve average results by repeating the same strategies is unlikely to lead you to different outcomes. Continuing with the same actions without significant innovation is a recipe for stagnation. To escape this cycle, it’s crucial to be brave enough to distinguish yourself in a manner that sets you apart from local competition. This bold approach is the key to unlocking new opportunities for success.

Ditching Self-Sabotage

Be mindful of rationalizations that may convince you you're not ready for bold differentiation. Falling into this mindset is a serious mistake, often leading to further excuses and limiting your potential. The true extent of what you can achieve becomes apparent only when you test your ideas and skills in the real world. Embracing this mindset is essential for breaking through self-imposed barriers and achieving your full potential as an artist.

6. High Volume or High Quality - Both

Different Philosophies in Content Production

In the PMU industry, particularly for Powder Brows and Hairstrokes services, content production for sales and marketing is a critical success factor. Artists have divergent views on this aspect. A minority advocates for constant content production, prioritizing quantity. This approach is often effective on platforms like TikTok. However, data suggests that platforms like Instagram will remain vital marketing channels for these services.

The Pitfall of Low-Quality Content

With recent algorithm updates in 2023 on Meta platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook, organic reach has significantly diminished. Under these conditions, posting low-quality content offers little benefit, as the platform generally overlooks such posts and has minimal impact. A profile filled with subpar images can ultimately harm an artist's brand. Regardless of posting times or the use of popular hashtags, average content fails to attract business or enhance the artist's reputation. Unlike in the past, when even mediocre content could draw attention, the current landscape demands higher quality. Thus, low-quality content is ineffective and can harm an artist's social media presence.

Defining High-Quality Content

Most artists recognize high-quality content when they see it: it's engaging, interesting, and offers value to the audience. A key characteristic of valuable content is its problem-solving capacity for the target audience. While captions may be brief, they present an opportunity to address simple yet pertinent issues – what many marketers call "plucking the low-hanging fruit.” High-quality content doesn't just capture attention and establishes the artist's credibility and expertise, fostering a sense of trust and professionalism among potential clients.

Maximizing Caption Space for Problem-Solving

Each social media post, whether on Facebook or Instagram, presents an opportunity to address minor issues your target audience faces. Utilizing the available caption space effectively is crucial. On Instagram, you have up to 2,200 characters, including spaces, to craft meaningful messages, and the platform also supports engaging formats like videos or carousel posts. However, creating such content demands significant time and effort. For Powder Brows and Hairstrokes artists, relying on AI solutions like Chat GPT to compose detailed captions can be challenging, underscoring the need for personal input and creativity.

Challenges in Generating High-Quality Content

Developing exceptional content is a time-intensive endeavor. Experienced artists often spend hours preparing a single post. The benefits of posting high-quality content may not be immediate. A practical long-term strategy involves honing your copywriting skills for your posts while outsourcing visual design aspects to save time. Nevertheless, the core ideas for the content should originate from the artist. Employing a specialized agency for idea generation might not be cost-effective unless you're a leading artist in your field.

Consistency in Quality Content Creation

The challenge of consistently producing high-quality content is even more daunting. Artists who have successfully established themselves often recall the initial months of content creation as arduous, sometimes spanning three to six months. One artist shared, "For the first half-year, it felt like I was crafting posts only for myself to read!" Others describe the process as "unpaid work for the public" or acknowledge its lack of immediate benefits.

With the constant evolution of social media algorithms, maintaining a high standard of content creation is likely to become increasingly challenging. However, the difficulty of this task means that few artists are doing it effectively. Your local market may not have many "aggressive content creators" who consistently post quality content. While it’s risky to depend on this scenario, you could capitalize on this gap or, even better, become the leading artist who actively creates and shares high-quality content consistently.

7. Benefits of High-Quality Content

The most substantial rewards derived from consistently producing and publishing high-quality content are often not immediately apparent. Insights from interviews with successful artists indicate that these benefits are part of a long-term growth strategy rather than quick gains.

Building an Appealing Feed

Firstly, a social media feed enriched with valuable content becomes increasingly attractive to potential clients. When they encounter such a feed, they are more likely to engage, follow, or spend time exploring posts that address their concerns or questions. This engagement gradually drives more business your way, as high-quality content establishes you as a knowledgeable and trustworthy source in your field.

Personal Development and Professional Growth

The second, and perhaps less obvious, benefit is the substantial personal and professional growth that comes with content creation. The process of producing exceptional content involves extensive research, reading, self-training, and deep contemplation about various aspects of the PMU industry. Such an endeavor enhances your expertise and knowledge and significantly boosts your professionalism. This growth occurs regardless of whether it is the primary goal, as the effort put into content creation invariably elevates your skills and understanding, making you a more adept and informed artist.

8. Conclusions

For emerging artists aspiring to succeed in the Powder Brows and Hairstrokes industry, abandoning ineffective marketing tactics and adopting more strategic approaches is crucial.

Moving Beyond Scarcity-Based Tactics

First, move away from scarcity-based marketing strategies, such as suggesting a "full calendar," which only offers clients appointments in the distant future. Successful artists emphasize the importance of quick responses to client inquiries and providing clear, immediate or near-future appointment options along with transparent pricing. This approach, often called the "move fast" strategy, is more effective in attracting and retaining clients.

The Art of Imitation with a Twist

While imitating globally recognized artists can be useful, it's important to go beyond replicating their results, like their photographic styles. The real challenge lies in understanding and emulating the creative processes and unique techniques that set these artists apart. Aim to develop your signature style in Powder Brows or Hairstrokes. This distinctiveness will differentiate you from your local competitors and establish your unique presence in the industry.

The Benefits of High-Quality Content

Many artists who have achieved success attribute their growth to the consistent production of high-quality content. While creating such content is demanding and time-intensive, the long-term benefits are twofold: it enhances your professional skills and builds a social media presence that gradually becomes a reliable source of new business. Committing to this approach can elevate your profile and expertise, positioning you as a leader in your field.

In conclusion, the path to success in the PMU industry involves swift and transparent communication, developing a unique artistic identity, and consistently producing content that reflects your professional growth and expertise.
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